We Like This: Phillip Seymour Hoffman


Many things will be said in the next few days, weeks, months, years and so on and so forth. Rather than interpret the tragedy or non-tragedy of it all, or to make a drawn out conclusion on the matter, other than that life is precious, no matter the circumstances, I'd prefer to simply just share something with you: a series of scenes by an actor whom I greatly respected as an actor, and whom; if I might be embarrassingly honest about as an aspiring filmmaker, I always dreamed of one day, in some sort of miracle dream, working with. I share this simply because I enjoy film, and I enjoyed very much this man's career in it. - Chad Foltz

"I will be dying and so will you, and so will everyone here. That's what I want to explore. We're all hurtling towards death, yet here we are for the moment, alive. Each of us knowing we're going to die, each of us secretly believing we won't." Philip Seymour Hoffman as Caden Cotard, Synecdoche, New York

I Have a Competition in Me

"I Want to Die": Three Films by Mary Crawford