Episode 17: Strange Talents with Justin Jordan


THE HOUR COSMIC! When podcasters walk the Earth!

Welcome back to THE HOUR COSMIC!, brought to you by the lovely folks at Multiversity Comics and Tell Me Something. Hosted by Brian Salvatore, Chad Bowers and special guest host Walter Richardson, The Hour Cosmic is back with our seventeenth episode!

This week, Justin Jordan, author of "The Strange Talent of Luther Strode" and the upcoming "Team Seven" joins us to talk mash-up comics, not owning CDs, and lament the lack of beard and kitten talk.

You can contact the show by e-mailing us at thehourcosmic@tellmesomething.org or tweeting us with the hashtag #TheHourCosmic at either @brianneedsanap@chadbowers or @waltorr. We look forward to hearing from you!

Episode 18: Rooting for Romance Comics

Episode 16: Enough with the Studio 60 Jokes