The Minute Cosmic #8: Featuring the Next Issue!


​Welcome back to THE MINUTE COSMIC, brought to you by Multiversity Comics and!  Featuring skits and dramatic readings from comic books, the Minute Cosmic seeks to fill your ears with fantastic content for short periods of time periodically -- just the way you like it!  

This week, special guest hosts Mike, Harry and Greg from The Next Issue Podcast bring us a scene from "Green Lantern" volume 2, number 13, written by John Broome.

We strongly encourage you to send us suggestions of what you'd like to hear us dramatically read or parody, either by emailing us directly at or tweeting us with the hashtag #thehourcosmic at either @brianneedsanap@chadbowers, or @mattisnotarobot.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Episode 16: Enough with the Studio 60 Jokes

Episode 15: The Next Issue Invades!